Monday, April 18, 2011

Mind Furry

Scattered thoughts,
                in a furry of misunderstood…concepts
Lack of a better
Thumbing through various,
Altering mind,
                these energies…
So fragile, this petal;      
                of thought…
bouncing amidst the tides.

Jazzee 04-18-2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wine on a Monday

I am not really sure if Mondays were invented to make sure that we had a few annoying days thrown into our week or if it is all a product of our outlook on this gray day that in turn comes back on us like a Tupperware container of food, forgotten about in the back of the refrigerator. Well, now we feel better? Okay so not all Mondays make us feel like we wish to crawl right back into bed, or at least we hope. So what do we do about this? Well I don't know about you but I sat down on this comfy couch of mine with a good size glass of red wine. Always red. Don't you know that a glass of red wine is good for you? No really, I read it somewhere...I think...yup, so it must be true. So on this glorious Monday evening I am taking my day and chalking it up to a case of the "Mondays" and am "cheers"ing this glass to the rest of my week, because as we all know, it is all up hill to the weekend from here. ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Clay Pots and Grass Roots

Yesterday was a day for dreaming. It was the first nice beautiful day that really makes most of us believe that winter is gone and spring is here to stay. The smell of sun and dirt is everywhere, and the Garden planning is in “full speed ahead” mode; makes me wish I would have picked up the latest Better Homes and Gardens magazine, ideas galoreJ However my Mother and I did one better; we made our first trip of the season to the local Garden Goods store and let our imaginations take flight. The smell of potting soil filled the air and we could almost see the dirt under our fingernails; birds sang and danced over the plethora of pots being arranged, finally, outside. Our minds flitted over the rows of organic seeds playing with the various options for this year’s garden ventures. We poured over all of the colored containers that could bring even more artistic flair to a planted space. There was an endless palette of shades in hats, gloves, and rubber shoes; and the mystical gnomes, frogs, and my personal favorite, fairies, lined the shelves awaiting their garden home. “You should register here for your wedding!” Mom giggled. Ah the charismatic pull of everything “gardeney” in a woman’s eyes. What is it about creating such a space that can lift our spirits over anything that may be bringing us down; the thought of digging our hands in the dirt and spending countless hours caring for and growing endless amazing plants. Being the spiritual person that I feel I am :) I have come to a substantial conclusion; we all know there is something “bigger” than ourselves out there somewhere, and whether in your belief system it is the Goddess, God, Buddha, etc. this “higher power” has created this amazing environment for us to live in. The trees, grass, flowers, herbs, creeks, food, and the earth & sun in which to help it all grow and flourish was created by something greater than us. For the beautiful moments that we are so lucky enough to capture in our own gardens, I believe we feel, no we know, we are that much closer to that which is unattainable, our higher power. Our desire to create beautiful things, watch them grow, and nourish them along the way is a path to our hearts and smiles endless seasons in a row. So for those of you out there that smile at the smell of sunshine and dirt and run to get gloves and rubber shoes, I am honored to know you and would love to hear all of your musings with clay pots and grass roots! :)


Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Start of Something Big

Well here it goes...I may need another cup, or make it a pot, of coffee.

It figures that I decide to start my own blog only when I am working over full time, selling Avon, starting my first Novel, AND trying to plan a wedding. Really once you have all that going what is one more thing? Oh and did I mention that there is still the complexity of finding time for loved ones, organizing the house, time with pets, and perhaps a little time for sanity to mingle in with all that Jazz. Well if anyone can do it, it's us women right? How many of us have struggled to keep our dreams tucked into any little crevice we can find in our daily lives, so that we don't feel completely lost? well does that work for us? Every one of us should push for time for what we love. Hence I have no time yet I am still writing, keeps the sun out in my world, and even the birds outside are tweeting in agreement. So what is this blog going to be anyway?...That's's a place for coconuts, snowflakes, and an immobile travelers musings, all in the hopes to help myself and others out there gather, laugh, and chase our scattered dreams; it may not always make sense but you can be sure that it will always be someone out there;) Welcome to my hot off the press, Jazzee's Pomegranate Press, emotional concoction of thoughts and just the plain beauty of the written word.

Always Searching For The Beach (and the umbrella drink) ;)
